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CLIMARCTIC PIM: Creating Tools to Raise Public Awareness on the Impact of Climate Change in the Arctic

In June 2024, as part of the “CLIMARCTIC” joint interdisciplinary project (PIM), a group of Masters students from UBO, UBS, ENSTA Bretagne and IMT-Atlantique created scientific mediation tools to raise public awareness on the impact of climate change in the Arctic.

The Arctic is generally considered to be a key indicator of climate change, as no other region of the planet is experiencing more significant changes. Climate models all predict that the changes currently observed in the Arctic will intensify in the future, but there is no agreement on the intensity and speed of such changes. CLIMArcTIC is a Priority Research Programme (PRP) with the aim of identifying and predicting regional responses to climate change in the Arctic.

Over the week, the students worked with researchers from the PRP CLIMArcTIC, scientific mediators from Océanopolis and the IUEM graphic designer, with the aim of developing tools to raise awareness of climate change in the Arctic, intended to be used in communication initiatives, such as the Fête de la science in October.

They analysed the scientific material provided, made it accessible to the general public and created a playful mediation device in the form of a board game. The PIM was also an opportunity for them to meet experts in the field of polar research and outreach.
