Home · Training with ISblue · Blue Training Horizons / Socio-environmental transformations

Blue Training Horizons / Socio-environmental transformations

Blue Training Horizons aims to support the transformation of curricula (programmes, teaching practices, roles and positions of stakeholders) to meet the challenges of Socio-Environmental Transformations (SET) in the field of marine science and technology.

Blue Training Horizons builds on the experience acquired through the flagship experiments carried out in phase 1 of ISblue (2018-2023) in the field of training for Socio-Ecological Transformations (SET), such as the “Holi-D Blue” project run by ENSTA Bretagne in 2021-2023, and university educational initiatives such as the ISblue COP/Science and Society Course Unit (UE) (Master 2 SML – UBO).

Blue Training Horizons aims to contribute to the improvement of our educational systems (Grandes Ecoles, universities) in terms of sustainable development and social responsibility, so as to enable students from ISblue’s partner establishments to identify and better understand the environmental and social challenges facing our territory, to grasp them and act in a socially aware and responsible way by acquiring the appropriate skills to respond to complex issues.

In this context, Blue Training Horizons focuses on:

  • Supporting those involved in training (trainers, training supervisors and boards of governors) in these transformations;
  • Develop curricula and training in a systemic way in three dimensions: interdisciplinary, intercultural and innovation, through teaching and research into socio-ecological transformations.

Check out the projects linked to Blue Training Horizons:

Coordination Blue Training Horizons: contact.isblue@univ-brest.fr