The ISblue direction covers research, training and partnerships with socio-economic actors. It is responsible for ensuring the implementation of the strategy and decisions of the Governing Board, including :
The allocation of the project budget to the different actions and its follow-up, after overall agreement of the Governing Board
Launching calls for projects and organising the examination of responses,
Selection of projects and actions to be financed after advice from the Operational Committee,
Implementation of projects and actions,
Development of relations with the various stakeholders external to the project, in particular companies, competitiveness poles, training organisations and foreign partners (other graduate school-type structures),
Assessments and progress reports to the operational committee, the international scientific council and the governance council.
The direction is supported by the ISblue operational team, which runs the project on a daily basis.
Within ISblue partner institutions, proximity administrators are in charge of carrying out the projects’ financial operations.
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