Home · News · Arts&sciences embarqués PIM: Exploring the Deep Sea Through the Creation of Short Theatrical Works, on the Ile de Sein

Arts&sciences embarqués PIM: Exploring the Deep Sea Through the Creation of Short Theatrical Works, on the Ile de Sein

In June 2024, as part of the “Art&sciences embarqués” joint interdisciplinary project (PIM), a group of Masters students from UBO, UBS, ENSTA Bretagne and IMT-Atlantique discovered the little-known world of deep-sea ecosystems through theatre.

With an introductory lecture by Jozée Sarrazin (IFREMER) and Martial LAURANS (IFREMER), and various sources of inspiration (books, videos, images), participants were able to immerse themselves in these difficult-to-access environments.

The various writing, acting and set design sessions enabled them to illustrate the results of their reflections and compare their ideas on the subject of science and society. As if they were on a real oceanographic mission, they spent a week living on the island of Sein, sharing their time together and wandering around the island, all of which contributed to the spirit of the workshop. Accompanied by two artists and a scientist, this PIM also encouraged them to think creatively about innovative solutions to future scientific, legal and societal challenges.

This project has also received funding from the European DEEP REST project as part of the BiodivRestore call for proposals (GA No. 101003777).
