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HUB “Missions PhD Experts ISblue”

Registration closed



This call for proposals aims to support doctoral students of the ISblue perimeter wishing to conduct within a company a technical, scientific or methodological expertise mission complementary to the doctoral contract (decree of August 29, 2016), and should not exceed 64 H or 32 days maximum per year.

They will have access to:

1. easier access to companies thanks to the interface with the HUB

2. the necessary financial means to meet this motivation

At the end of their mission, the doctoral students will be invited to prepare an oral presentation in order to present what they have learnt (feedback and learning) from this work placement. The successful completion of this exercise in front of a joint company/academic jury will enable the selected candidates to claim the “ISblue EXPERT PHD” label, attesting to the successful completion of their mission and its full presentation.


All “MER” doctoral students from one of the ISBlue member research laboratories enrolled in a doctoral school within the ISblue perimeter (EDSML, MATHSTIC and SPI).


The ISblue HUB has launched a policy of incentives and reinforced communication, relayed by the Doctoral Schools, in the form of a “PHD EXPERT ISblue” scheme structured in 5 stages:

1. An information session on the general terms and conditions for undertaking missions and identification of doctoral students interested in this approach (by registration via an online form).

2. Action to establish contact with companies: presentation of each candidate (short oral presentation “Pitch session”) and 30-minute exchange with interested companies. This action could be co-organised with the World Sea Campus in order to actively mobilise companies in the field of marine science and technology.

3. If successful, submission of an application to the ISblue PHD EXPERT MISSIONS call.

4. Contractualisation of the mission by the company, the doctoral student and the university or engineering school to which he/she is attached.

5. Presentation day with oral defense for the award of the Label by a joint company/academic jury (composed of the heads of the Doctoral Schools and members of the ISblue governance).


The call is open on an ad hoc basis with an annual budget of 10 K€.

The salary cost of the “expert doctoral candidates” is covered by the company. The company receives an invoice from the University for the PhD student’s mission.

The aim of this call is to allocate a support budget enabling the “expert doctoral candidates” to cover all or part of the costs associated with their mission (travel expenses between the University and the company, conference fees for presentations at international conferences, etc.).

NB: maximum amount of travel expenses covered: 1,000 € per PHD student (missions in mainland France only).


Application deadline: no constraints, applications are made as they come in.
Application file: online on the ISblue website


A selection jury will be organised over time to select “PhD expert” candidates for expert missions within companies. The jury is composed of members of the HUB ISblue Group and representatives of the doctoral schools.

The grants are awarded according to the following evaluation criteria:

1. Skills acquired during the mission

2. Link with the socio-economic world

3. Sustainable development/social responsibility

4. Openness / International dimension


The PHD expert must be under a doctoral contract. An amendment will be put in place to integrate this additional mission.

The modalities are defined in a tripartite agreement. This agreement also sets out the material and financial conditions, stipulates the confidentiality clauses and specifies the framework for the intellectual property of the results.

The missions can be adapted to each type of need: technological, scientific and regulatory watch, advice on methodology, legal analysis, feasibility study, market study, technological and scientific study, surveys, experimentation, training, project support, research into new markets, bibliographic research, etc.

It is not necessary for the subject of the mission to be directly related to the research subject of the thesis. It can be the valorisation of a scientific expertise or the valorisation of an individual competence. However, the scope of this call for proposals “ISblue PHD EXPERT MISSIONS” will be limited to the scientific scope of the five ISblue research themes.

The PhD supervisor will check the thematic appropriateness of the assignment and will ensure that it does not conflict with partnerships involving the PhD student or the team in which he/she is working.

If the duration of the first mission is less than 32 days, the PHD student has the possibility to complete his/her experience by other missions within different companies.


​​For any technical questions during the application process, a “Frequently Asked Questions” document is available for consultation by clicking here.

For any question or information regarding the call: hub@isblue.fr​​​

Registration closed