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Incoming mobility for master and engineer

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In the ISblue framework, an action is engaged to encourage international mobility. It is a financial support for the 2023-2024 academic year. Incoming mobility financial support is for students who want to carry on a research project in France, in one of the ISblue research laboratories.

The projects have to follow one or more ISblue research theme.

Eligibility criteria

The incoming mobility grant is targeted to students in second year of Master’s degree (postgraduate).

The applicant must:

– Have a mobility project in France for an internship (3 to 6 months) as part of his educational program,
– Have a mobility project to carry out collaborations with one of the ISblue laboratories
– Have a project that follows one or more ISblue research themes
The financing will be awarded only when the hosting agreement will be signed by both parties and by the director of the ISblue welcoming laboratory.

N.B. Scholarships will only be attributed for internships. Incoming mobility regarding missions during an internship will not be considered (for instance, 10 days of missions during a 6-month internship).

Mobility grant

The mobility grant will be awarded according to the following scale (maximum).

A lump-sum amount of 200€ per month, at the discretion of the jury (based on the cost of living in the country of origin), to what a travel cost package will be added, according to the origin of the candidate:

Zone 1 (Europe and Northern Africa): 500 €
Zone 2 (Northern America): 800 €
Zone 3 (Central and Latin America / Africa / India): 1 000 €
Zone 4 (Asia / Oceania): 1 400 €

For instance: for a 3-month period, a student coming from Brazil, will received a grant of: 200×3 + 1000 = 1600 euros.

Application procedure​​

The application form will have to include:

– Presentation of the mobility project (each step must be detailed, minimum 15 lines per step), giving details on:
1- Context and scientific issues
2- Objectives of the project and methodology envisaged
3- explicit links between the mobility project and the ISblue research themes.
4- interest of the project for the candidate educational project
– A provisional budget
– Approval and supervisor’s signature of the home institution

Following documents will have to be added to the application:

– The detailed CV of the student
Invitation letter from the ISblue supervisor* + visa from the director of the ISblue host laboratory.
*This letter must attest to the payment of a internship awards or specific funding.
– An internship agreement or accommodation agreement which specifies the terms and conditions of the internship and the accommodation. The agreement defines the rules applicable to intellectual property.
– A certificate confirming that the student is covered by common law or equivalent insurance for sickness and accident and that he/she complies with the applicable rules on civil liability.

Deadline for application​

For Autumn session : Sunday 24 November 2024, 11:59 PM (french hour)
For Spring session : Friday 28 February 2025, 11:59 PM (french hour)

Assessment of applications​

The evaluation of the applications will be carried out by the ISblue jury, which will meet :

– For Autumn session, mid-December 2024.
– For Spring session, mid-March 2025.

Additional information​​

When coming back from their mobility, the beneficiaries will have to submit, within a three months period after their travel:

– An activity report (2 pages maximum),
– A financial balance sheet,
– A short evaluation on the mobility grant.

For more information

​​For any technical questions during the application process, a “Frequently Asked Questions” document is available for consultation by clicking here.

For any question or information regarding the call: ​contact.isblue@univ-brest.fr​​

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