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Workshops, Seminars, Thematic Schools

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ISblue’s participation in the financing of international seminars, thematic schools and workshops aims to promote the international opening of ISblue research units and training courses.

The events must be in line with ISblue research themes and allow students (masters, PhD students) to exchange with internationally renowned researchers.


– The event must be organised by an applicant from one of the ISblue laboratories.

– The event must meet one of the following two definitions:

a) a working seminar or workshop involving researchers from ISblue research units, invited foreign researchers, and ISblue students (PhD or Master)

b) a thematic school or a larger conference open to ISblue students as well as international students

– The event must be organised by ISblue institutions and organisations and take place at a West-Breton site. If the event is to take place off-site, the promoter must justify the reasons for doing so, while remaining within the logic of the site in Brittany.

– The event must be related to the research themes developed by ISblue and involve members of several ISblue research units.

– The event must have a pedagogical interest for the students/doctoral candidates.

– Projects that involve students in the organisation of the event and projects developed jointly with ISblue course leaders will be particularly appreciated.

Actions supported by ISblue should not require registration fees for ISblue students (master and PhD). Only contributions to accommodation or meal costs may be acceptable, if necessary to balance the budget.

– Projects that also seek funding from outside ISblue will be preferred.

– Applicants must systematically ask the teachers concerned about the students’ actual availability.

Important quotations must be attached to the application.


The ISblue Operational Committee will evaluate the proposals.

The criteria are as follows:

– scientific excellence
– insertion in the ISblue research themes
– pedagogical interest for ISblue students (PHD students and/or masters)*
– contribution to the international visibility of the site and of the University Research School
– contribution to the synergy between several ISblue partners

*contact in advance with the person in charge of the course(s) concerned


The call will be open twice a year, with one session in spring and one in autumn.
The amount allocated to this call is 60K€ per year (total amount for the two sessions).


​For any technical questions during the application process, a “Frequently Asked Questions” document is available for consultation by clicking here.

For any question or information : contact.isblue@univ-brest.fr

Application not yet activated