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2025 Thesis Topics

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​ISblue, the Interdisciplinary graduate school for the blue planet, has both training and research objectives, in particular for doctoral programmes and research.
– In doctoral training, the aim is to train young researchers and professionals through research, offering them an international and interdisciplinary approach.
– In terms of research, the aim is to support original work carried out by the units in connection with the ISblue themes, in order to increase synergies between research units, their international influence and their attractiveness.

The call for thesis topics aims to enable the recruitment of doctoral students within ISblue research units by co-financing doctoral grants. These co-fundings are ISblue grants (6 half-grants). The combined 1/2 ISblue grants will be used either to co-finance projects with ISblue establishments or with external partners (CNES, DGA, etc).

To increase the attractiveness of ISblue, a concerted decision by the ISblue bodies must be taken as early as possible in the spring of 2025, in order to give the selected thesis topics wide publicity at national and international level, and thus attract the best candidates.

Who is eligible to apply?

Any researcher or university lecturer and researcheur (HDR) from an ISblue research unit.
The thesis supervisor must be a member of an ISblue institution and be attached to one of the doctoral schools of the Collège Doctoral de Bretagne.

Application Procedure

– For reasons of eligibility of expenditure by the ANR, the applicant must start his/her doctoral contract no later than 1/10/2025.
– The jury will reallocate funding for theses that do not start by 1/10/2025 to other ISblue project budgets.

Application form

Subjects must be submitted on the ISblue server. You must use the form provided with the call to apply.

ISblue funding applications from LabSTICC and IRDL concerning the Math-STIC Bretagne Océane – SPI Bzh and SPIN doctoral schools will also be processed on this server, to facilitate the procedure.

Submission of applications

Thesis subjects must be submitted by 17 February 2024, 23:59, on the server.


Subjects will be selected in two phases.

Phase 1: Assessment of applications

The results will be assigned by research theme, with each of the 5 themes having to choose 2 selected topics. The 6th topic selected will be awarded jointly by the themes.missions, on-site events, research at sea and field work.

The evaluation criteria are:
Scientific excellence of the project (originality, potential impact)
International positioning of the subject, co-supervision or international co-supervision
Integration between different research units or disciplines
Profile of the doctoral student trained, potential for high-level integration into the academic or non-academic community

Phase 2: Validation of co-funding

An ISblue committee will then examine the applications selected, to check the eligibility of the associated co-funding. This committee is made up of the ISblue Executive and representatives of the Doctoral Schools concerned or co-financing establishments.

In addition, the rules of the doctoral schools will be taken into account (maximum number of AREDs for an HDR, for example). If an ISblue subject cannot be co-financed, the subject ranked second by theme will be selected.

More information​

​For any technical questions during the application process, a “Frequently Asked Questions” document is available for consultation by clicking here.

For any question or information regarding the call : contact.isblue@univ-brest.fr

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