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Outgoing mobility for master and engineer


The ISblue, Interdisciplinary graduate school for the blue planet, has an objective of internationalisation of training. This call for proposals aims to develop the international mobility of students at Master 1 or 2 level. It is a financial support for outgoing mobility granted for the academic year 2023-2024.

Mobility grants are awarded to projects that are in line with ISblue themes.


Who can apply?

Any student :

– Enrolled in a Master’s programme or an engineering school of an ISblue partner: UBO, UBS, IMT-Atlantique, ENSTA Bretagne, ENIB, Ecole Navale.
– Having a mobility project outside France for a compulsory internship as part of their training,
– Having an internship subject related to the ISblue themes, approved by the candidate’s course director.
– Not already benefiting from another grant (European Union, Regional Aid, or granted by his/her university or school) for the same mobility.

N.B. Grants are awarded for internship mobility and not for missions during an internship (e.g. 10 days of missions during a 6-month internship).

Eligible countries

All countries, including the French overseas territories.

Amount of the grant

The mobility grant will be allocated on the basis of the following scale:

1. Flat rate contribution to living expenses of 200 € per month, except for Dom-Tom

2. And a fixed contribution to travel expenses, depending on the destination:

Zone 1 (Europe and Northern Africa): 500 €
Zone 2 (Northern America): 800 €
Zone 3 (Central and Latin America / Africa / India): 1 000 €
Zone 4 (Asia / Oceania): 1 400 €

For instance: for a 3-month period, a student going to Brazil, will received a grant of: 200×3 + 1000 = 1600 euros.


Application file

The application file must include :

– Detailed project and motivations of the applicant (each step must be detailed, minimum 15 lines per step):
1. Context and scientific issues
2. Objectives of the project and envisaged methodology
3. Explicit links between this course and the ISblue theme(s) concerned
4. Interest and motivation of the internship in the student’s pedagogical/professional project.
– A provisional budget
– The opinion and signature of the student’s course director

It must be accompanied by the following documents:

– Copy of the placement agreement (at least signed by the educational tutor) or, failing that, a signed letter of acceptance from the foreign establishment.

Application deadline

For Autumn session : Sunday 24 November 2024, 11:59 PM (french hour)
For Spring session : Friday 28 February 2025, 11:59 PM (french hour)


Applications will be evaluated by the ISblue jury, which will meet:

– For Autumn session, mid-December 2024.
– For Spring session, mid-March 2025.

Grants are awarded according to the financial envelope available for this call and according to the following evaluation criteria:

– The integration of the mobility in the student’s educational/professional project,
– The quality of the motivation letter,
– The relevance of the project to ISblue’s research themes,
– The strategic potential to collaborate with the host organisation


Upon return from mobility, students who have received funding must provide within three months of their return to France :

– an end-of-stay certificate signed by the host institution,
– a mobility report = experience report (2 pages maximum)
– a summary of the internship in English (1 page)
copies of travel documents (boarding passes, train tickets, etc.) for the round trip between France and the country of internship.

For further information

​​For any technical questions during the application process, a “Frequently Asked Questions” document is available for consultation by clicking here.

For any question or information regarding the call: ​contact.isblue@univ-brest.fr​​​​