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Research at sea


Purpose of the call

ISblue, the Interdisciplinary graduate school for the blue planet, is convinced that in order to train the next generation of innovators and scientific leaders for the Ocean, it is necessary to promote research activities in direct contact with the sea. The objective of this call for projects is to encourage and support the setting up of research projects requiring access to the sea and shores.

This call aims to facilitate the implementation of new manipulations, the participation in opportunity campaigns, the testing of devices or methods and the improvement of existing campaigns.

Who can apply?

Any member of the ISblue community (any temporary or permanent staff of ISblue research units).

Type of projects expected

Within the framework of ISblue research themes, proposals are expected in the following areas:

Tests of new methodologies or instruments, requiring work at sea, including on FOF vessels (new ocean observation instruments, new underwater devices, etc.)

Support for research work at sea (access to non-conventional research vessels such as TARA, participation in missions on foreign vessels opening up new perspectives for international collaboration, etc.).

Eligible expenses

– Mission (travel and accomodation costs)
– Purchase of equipment for the operation of the project: specify the type of equipment in the budget*
– Various services directly related to access to the sea (rental of vessels, underwater equipment ….)

*The call is not intended to finance equipment.

The following are not eligible for this call for proposals:

– Salaries of temporary staff
– Analysis costs
– Publication costs

Amount of support

The total amount of this PAA is 100 k€. Projects between 5 k€ and 50 k€ are expected.

This financial support is granted for one year.

Calendar of the call

Opening of applications: September, 1st 2024
Closing of the online server: November, 30th 2024, 11:59 PM (French time)

The jury will meet in early January 2025.

Application file

The application file is organised in six points:

1. Project objectives
2. Relevance to ISblue and to the theme(s) concerned
3. Methodology and description of the actions envisaged
4. The main expected results
5. Additional funding already obtained (including other ISblue call for projects)
6. A draft budget and a schedule of actions.

Before applying, it is imperative that you bring your project to the attention of the head of the research unit concerned.

The project presentation template below should be downloaded, completed and attached to your online application.

Click here to download the template.


The evaluation of the applications will be carried out by an ISblue jury chaired by a representative of the ISblue management and composed of members of the different colleges making up the operational committee (one representative per theme, one representative of the training college and one representative of the socio-economic college).

The grants are awarded according to the financial envelope available for this call and according to the following evaluation criteria:

– The innovative nature of the project
– The strategic potential of the international collaboration that may be envisaged
– The scientific quality of the project
– The multi-unit nature of the project
– The adequacy of the project in relation to ISblue’s research themes

Synergy with other ISblue funding applications (Flagship Projects, Post-doc …) will be favourably evaluated.

More information​​

​For any technical questions during the application process,a “Frequently Asked Questions” document is available for consultation by clicking here.

For any question or information regarding the call: contact.isblue@univ-brest.fr