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Research: emergence and consolidation of themes

Registration closed

​​Terms and conditions of the call

Purpose of the call

ISblue, the Interdisciplinary graduate school for the blue planet, aims to develop original, innovative and interdisciplinary research with a high international profile. In line with this ambition, the research projects supported by ISblue should help to strengthen the interaction between research and education and between science and the socio-economic world. The call for projects should serve to mobilise ISblue’s research teams around the objectives of the Graduate School.

The aim of this call for projects is to strengthen the themes developed during the first years of ISblue (https://www.isblue.fr/en/research/) and to support those that may emerge during the 2nd phase of ISblue.

Who can apply?

Any member of the ISblue community (temporary or permanent staff of ISblue research units).

Eligible subjects

All scientific and technological research subjects falling within the ISblue themes are eligible. For the record, ISblue’s research activities are carried out within 5 themes in which ISblue has recognised strengths and can claim international leadership: ocean and climate regulation, ocean/earth interaction, sustainable coastal ecosystems, living ocean and ecosystem services, long-term observing systems for ocean knowledge.

Eligible expenses

– Mission expenses;
– Operating expenses;
– Purchase of materials and equipment;
– Expenditure on temporary staff, including post-doctoral contracts or internships. Co-financing of theses is excluded from this call.

Amount of support

The amount of this call for proposals is €300k. Projects are expected to cost between €10k and €60k (part funded by ISblue). This financial support is granted for a maximum of two years.

Call calendar

Call opening date: November 1, 2024
Application deadline: January 31, 2025
Jury: March 2025

Application form

The application file must include :

1. A description of the project’s objectives
2. The planned methodology
3. An argument on the relevance of the project team and the proposed collaborations
4. A brief description of the planned follow-up (leverage effect)
5. A draft budget and schedule of actions

Return of applications

Please download the application form below. It must be completed and attached to your online application.

Download the application form by clicking here.​

File assessment

Applications will be assessed by a panel of ISblue jury members chaired by a representative of ISblue Executive Management. The jury will be made up of one representative per theme and one representative from the training college.

As stated in the ISblue objectives, these projects must serve the EUR’s ambition for excellence and international visibility. They should help to strengthen interactions between research and education, and between science and the socio-economic world.

In addition to scientific excellence, which remains the fundamental criterion for evaluating projects, we wish to encourage projects that involve several ISblue research units, without excluding projects proposed by a single unit if they have a very high potential for enhancing the site’s visibility (new collaborations with international or socio-economic partners).

Grants will be awarded according to the financial envelope available for this call for proposals, based on one main evaluation criterion:

– Scientific relevance in terms of strengthening an ISblue theme or developing a new field of research;

and additional criteria:

– The inclusion of a sustainability dimension in the problematics and/or the organisation of the project itself;
– The quality and originality of the partnership (disciplines, research units, openness on the site or internationally, in particular with southern countries)
– The potential impact of the project on training activities and the socio-economic world– The project’s potential leverage effect (expected co-funding).

For further information


Registration closed