Home · Events · Conferences · SILICAMICS 4 Conferences – 14 – 18 October 2024, Brest

SILICAMICS 4 Conferences – 14 – 18 October 2024, Brest

Dead-line for abstract submission: March, 15th, 2024

Dead-line for registration: June, 15th, 2024

The SILICAMICS interdisciplinary conferences series was launched in 2015 under initiative of the international Silica Group. These conferences series aim to develop an integrative approach that includes chemistry, biogeochemistry, biochemistry, physiology and genomics to better understand biosilicification and silicifiers in past, contemporary and future oceans.

Built around a “Gordon conferences” format, SILICAMICS 4 will bring together a small group of experts, young researchers and students in a secluded and beautiful location near Brest. The organizing committee has invited top-notch speakers, and the time for discussion and exchange between poster and presentation sessions, as well as working groups, will offer PhD students and young scientists the chance to debate with senior scientists in order to develop their own understanding of science in general, and more specifically of SILICAMICS’ flagship theme, the silicon cycle and the role of silicified organisms in the oceans.

This event is co-organised by Jill Sutton, one of the ISblue Theme 1 coordinators, in charge of the SPOC “Silica: from stardust to the living world“.

14 - 18 Oct
Moulin Mer, Logonna-Daoulas (29)