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Floating University: Discover the SEZAM 2024 Campaign

From 29 May to 20 June 2024, the SEZAM (SEdimentation des apports du ZAMbèze) campaign took place in the central part of the Mozambique Channel, around the Eparses Islands, to acquire the data needed to understand how the Mozambique Channel is supplied with continental sediments from the Zambezi River and carbonate sediments produced mainly by the isolated platforms of Europa and Bassas da India.

As part of the French Oceanographic Fleet’s research campaigns at sea operated by Ifremer, students can take part in missions in the form of floating universities. With the support of ISblue, for the SEZAM campaign, 4 Master 1 students in geosciences from IUEM/UBO and 3 students from the University of Montpellier joined the multi-disciplinary scientific team by taking part in activities on board of the Marion Dufresne. They were supervised by Maud Fabre, a doctor in Marine Geosciences, specially recruited by ISblue for this mission.

The students were able to give everyone an insight into the workings of an oceanographic mission by sharing the progress of operations throughout the campaign. All aboard now, (re)discover the campaign blog:

The SEZAM campaign blog